Our Story

Our Story

DigitalPlat is a global 501(c)(3) fiscally sponsored nonprofit organization, dedicated to supporting open-source and free software. Founded by Edward Hsing in November 2022, DigitalPlat welcomes members from around the world to collaborate on creating free and open-source projects. Our mission goes beyond merely “changing the world and the future.”

Edward is a staunch defender of human rights, freedom of speech, and opposition to dictatorship. His passion for ICT remained unwavering. With a commitment to non-profit and freedom, Edward created this organization to provide non-profit support and advocate for open-source projects.

Most projects within DigitalPlat stem from Edward’s own concepts, creations, designs, and code. Edward harbors numerous innovative ideas, diligently documenting them to bring to life whenever time permits. Interestingly, prior to the inception of DigitalPlat, Edward faced significant hurdles in accessing computers or even smartphones due to pressures from school and family (This became the most correct decision for him to immigrate to another country). For a prolonged period, he resorted to coding on his phone, eventually leading to the creation of FlyOS, a Linux distribution container running on mobile devices. This innovation facilitated his coding endeavors, despite the constraints. However, Edward realized the limitations of solitary work—its inefficiency and lack of diverse perspectives. Recognizing the value in collaboration and acknowledging that everyone possesses unique insights, he stumbled upon Hack Club and subsequently founded DigitalPlat. Whether past or present, his vision remains unchanged—he desires the involvement of more individuals in DigitalPlat! Together, they can innovate, code, and conquer bugs, forging new paths and shaping the future collaboratively.